Plasma Physics supplementary course ( 2A1137 aka EF2210 )
Plasma Physics supplementary course ( 2A1137 aka EF2210 )
This course was given using a compendium ( PDF file: Plasma physics Part II ) for undergraduates in their final year and in the Erasmus Mundus student exchange program.
It was described as follows:
The aim of the course is to give a broader and deeper understanding of theoretical plasma physics as a basis for continued studies. Topics include the variational analysis of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium and stability, kinetic theory of plasmas, electrostatic structures.
Contents of the course:
• Magnetohydrodynamics - variational analysis, force free magnetic fields, normal mode analysis.
• Kinetic Plasma Theory: phase space, distribution functions, Vlasov equation, Liouvilles theorem, moment equations, Boltzmann equation, Fokker-Planck equation, stability.
• Electrostatic structures: wall sheaths, double layers, solitary waves.