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Click here for an overview of all current projects in the Sound and Music Computing group

Current projects

The sound of the invisible: Methods for communicating complex and inaccessible information through sound.

Designing the sound of the future
Designing the sound of the future informed by the sound of the present: a new method for the sound design of everyday scenarios inspired by combining methods in documentary filmmaking and sound computing.

Robust Non-Verbal Expression in Virtual Agents and Humanoid Robots: New Methods for Augmenting Stylized Gestures with Sound.

Sound Forest
Sound Forest is a collaborative research project and permanent installation designed and developed by the Sound and Music Computing team at KTH and the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts (Scenkonstmuséet) in Stockholm.

Nordic SMC
The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network (NordicSMC) brings together a group of internationally leading sound and music computing researchers from all five Nordic countries, from Aalborg University (AAU), Aalto University (AALTO), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), University of Iceland (UoI), and University of Oslo (UiO).

Planning with Youth
A tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments. 

Expressive sound-based monitoring of body motion through everyday clothes.

Most recent completed projects

DANCE aims at understanding the meaning of “closing the eyes”, the perception of expressiveness and entrainment in dance, the participation to the emotion conveyed by a sequence of movements in space, the understanding of the non-verbal language of bodies that communicate, imagining and questioning concrete ways to listen to a choreography, feel a ballet.

MuMi - Multi-agent Multimodal Interaction
MuMi is a multidisciplinary project, combining research within haptic cognition, perception and analysis with sonification, front-line haptic technology, computer science and computer supported collaborative work.

Profilbild av Roberto Bresin
