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Publications by Sichao Liu

Peer reviewed


Liu, S., Wang, L. & Gao, R. X. (2024). Cognitive neuroscience and robotics : Advancements and future research directions. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 85.
Yi, S., Liu, S., Yang, Y., Yan, S., Guo, D., Wang, X. V. & Wang, L. (2024). Safety-aware human-centric collaborative assembly. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 60.
Zhang, Y., Ding, K., Hui, J., Liu, S., Guo, W. & Wang, L. (2024). Skeleton-RGB integrated highly similar human action prediction in human–robot collaborative assembly. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 86.
Liu, S., Zhang, J., Wang, L. & Gao, R. X. (2024). Vision AI-based human-robot collaborative assembly driven by autonomous robots. CIRP annals, 73(1), 13-16.
Guo, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, S., Wang, X. V. & Wang, L. (2023). Exploring self-organization and self-adaption for smart manufacturing complex networks. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 10(2), 206-222.
Zhang, J., Liu, S., Gao, R. X. & Wang, L. (2023). Neural rendering-enabled 3D modeling for rapid digitization of in-service products. CIRP annals, 72(1), 93-96.
Li, S., Zheng, P., Liu, S., Wang, Z., Wang, X. V., Zheng, L. & Wang, L. (2023). Proactive human-robot collaboration : Mutual-cognitive, predictable, and self-organising perspectives. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 81, 102510.
Liu, S., Wang, X. V. & Wang, L. (2022). Digital twin-enabled advance execution for human-robot collaborative assembly. CIRP annals, 71(1), 25-28.
Flores-García, E., Jeong, Y., Liu, S., Wiktorsson, M. & Wang, L. (2022). Enabling industrial internet of things-based digital servitization in smart production logistics. International Journal of Production Research, 1-26.

Conference papers

Gao, F., Xia, L., Zhang, J., Liu, S., Wang, L., Gao, R. X. (2024). Integrating Large Language Model for Natural Language-Based Instruction toward Robust Human-Robot Collaboration. Presented at 18th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, TDS 2024, Udine, Italy, October 2-5, 2023. (pp. 313-318). Elsevier BV.
Liu, S., Zhang, J., Gao, R. X., Wang, X. V., Wang, L. (2024). Vision-language model-driven scene understanding and robotic object manipulation. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2024. (pp. 21-26). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Yi, S., Liu, S., Xu, X., Wang, X. V., Yan, S., Wang, L. (2022). A vision-based human-robot collaborative system for digital twin. In Procedia CIRP. (pp. 552-557). Elsevier BV.
Jeong, Y., Flores-García, E., Kwak, D. H., Woo, J. H., Wiktorsson, M., Liu, S., Wang, X. V., Wang, L. (2022). Digital Twin-Based Services and Data Visualization of Material Handling Equipment in Smart Production Logistics Environment. In Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing and Logistics Systems: Turning Ideas into Action. (pp. 556-564). Springer Nature.
Flores-García, E., Jeong, Y., Liu, S., Kim, G., Wiktorsson, M., Wang, L. (2021). Digital Twin-Based Services for Smart Production Logistics. Presented at 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC); WSC 2021 Phoenix; 12 December 2021 - 15 December 2021.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Non-peer reviewed

Chapters in books

Zhang, J., Liu, S., Wang, L. & Gao, R. (2024). Efficient data management for intelligent manufacturing. In Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Advances and Applications (pp. 289-312). Elsevier BV.
Liu, S., Zhang, J., Yi, S., Gao, R., Mourtzis, D. & Wang, L. (2024). Human-centric systems in smart manufacturing. In Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Advances and Applications (pp. 181-205). Elsevier BV.
Liu, S., Wang, L. & Wang, X. V. (2021). Sensorless haptic control for physical human-robot interaction. In Advanced Human-Robot Collaboration in Manufacturing (pp. 319-350). Springer Nature.
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