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Steffen Hammer

Profile picture of Steffen Hammer

Doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

I received a MSc from KTH in Aeromechanics of Turbomachinery in 2012. Afterwards I joined GKN Aerospace and worked as Aerodynamics engineer on the development of compressors and space turbines.

Within my PhD research I am investigating the aero aoustic resonance of bleed cavities in aero engines. In particular, I am working on the characterization of the coupled resonance occurring due to interaction between vortex oscillations from the shear layer flow passing over a cavity and the cavity acoustics. The results of the work are intended to provide validation data for analysis methods at industry. This will support the development of better design prediction capabilities in aero engine development.

My research is part of the CARE program, a collaboration between KTH and GKN Aerospace Sweden funded by Vinnova.


Aircraft Propulsion, Advanced Course (MJ2524), assistant | Course web

Aircraft Propulsion, General Course (MJ2523), assistant | Course web

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Small Scale Polygeneration (MJ2503), teacher | Course web