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Built Environment and Travel Behavior (Joel Franklin)

Tid: Tisdag 21 april 2015 kl 08:00 - 10:00 2015-04-21T08:00:00 2015-04-21T10:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
VT 2015

Plats: V22

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Studentgrupper: THSSM_1, TTGTM_1



Class Materials

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 26 september 2014

ändrade rättigheterna 31 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare redigerade 9 december 2014


Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningLong-Term Industrial Dynamics

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 19 mars 2015

Long-Term Industrial DynamicsBuilt Environment and Travel Behavior

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 16 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 16 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* What features of the built environment are most important?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 21 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* What features of the built environment are most important?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials
* Slides: Built Environment & Travel

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

Built Environment and Travel Behavior (Joel Franklin)

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-04-22 16:52

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