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Database Technology

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Please note that this course is given in English

Before the Start

You should get the either edition of the book:

  • H. Garcia-Molina, J. D. Ullman and J. Widom, Database Systems: The Complete Book, Second Edition, Pearson New International Edition, Pearson, 2014.
  • H. Garcia-Molina, J. D. Ullman and J. Widom, Database Systems: The Complete Book, Second Edition, Pearson International Edition, 2009.

ISBN 9781292024479.


The lectures are in English.  Labs and homework can be in either English or Swedish.  The recitations are in Swedish (possibly one English group).


The course is meant to give the student a working understanding of how databases are set up and used. We will cover query languages such as SQL as well as application programing with databases. We will cover the relational model, ER, normalization, transactions, functional dependencies. There will be a practical part where the students will be required to do simple programing.

Course goals

The student will be able to both understand and create  database designs particularly with regard to:

  1. converting between textual descriptions, example data, diagram representations and coded schema specifications, for both relational and semi-structured database models,
  2. forming queries and making modifications, for both relational and semi-structured database models;
  3. enforcing constraints, avoiding anomalies, preserving information and dependencies in relational databases;
  4. some examples of practical aspects such as indexing, concurrency, application programming and security issues.

 Prerequisite Knowledge

One of these courses or equivalent: 2D1320/DD1320, 2D1343/DD1343, 2D1344/DD1344

All course information has been moved to Canvas.
