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Här visas ändringar i "Schedule" mellan 2016-08-24 10:10 av Hedvig Kjellström och 2016-08-24 10:11 av Hedvig Kjellström.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.


Period 1 Seminar Tuesday 6 September 8:00-10:00 in Seminar Rooms 523, 1535, 4523

Introduction (see HT 2016 prointml16 > Seminar Period 1 in the menu to the left)

Period 2 Lecture Monday 14 November 8:15-10:00 in Hall M3

Lecture about ethics and societal aspects (more information to come).

Seminar Tuesday 22 November 8:00-10:00 in Seminar Rooms TBA

Ethics in Machine Learning (see HT 2016 prointml16 > Seminar Period 2 in the menu to the left)

Period 3 Industry field trips

Company Visits (see HT 2016 prointml16 > Field trips Period 3 in the menu to the left)

Period 4 Lecture XXday XX May 8:15-10:00 in Hall TBA

Lecture about diversequality and equaldiversity (more information to come).

Seminar XXday XX May 8:00-10:00 in Seminar Rooms TBA

Equality and Diversity in Machine Learning (see HT 2016 prointml16 > Seminar Period 4 in the menu to the left)