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Version skapad av Douglas Wikström 2017-03-01 19:21

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All handouts in the course will be available here. The information given below may be updated during the course, in which case we will ping students with a post.

General Information

Latex and Running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine on Windows

To install Ubuntu in your VM Ware player, start the player, create a new virtual machine, and browse for the ISO-file. All you need to do is enter your name and password, the rest is taken care of by VM Ware player. When this is done you open a browser inside your Ubuntu and download ubuntu.tar.gz from this page. Look inside the scripts and comment out the things you do not want, the script is reasonably well documented.

Group Project

  • Part I. Consider how a voter can authenticate itself in an electronic voting system. Write down descriptions of a few methods in about 4 pages (with reasonable margins and font size). Use your own judgement to determine how many schemes you describe, but it is more fun if you choose systems that are as diverse as possible, i.e., simply looking at Google login and Yahoo login is not a good solution.

    We will discuss everybody's solutions in class. Then you will pick one (not necessarily one of those you described) and go into more detail.


Slides From Lectures

Lecture slides for all lectures are available below. They will be updated regularly to reflect changes in the course and what is said and covered on the blackboard during lectures. Slides may be added or removed, but slides from given lectures will at most be corrected. It gives a good idea of the course content.

About recording lectures

On KTH campus it is illegal to record audio or video of any lectures without the lecturer's explicit permission. This applies to all recordings, even those for your own use.

Why is this important?

The most important reason is that there are students with hidden identity at KTH. Leaking the identity of these students may jeopardize their safety. Examples include: political refugees, court witnesses, and people escaping domestic violence or threats. Due to personal experience with one of these examples, I take this very seriously.

Only a chosen few (not me) know who they are, so we have to behave as if they are in every class. If I allow recording, then I am responsible for making sure that recordings are done in such a way that no other students appear in the recording, and I simply do not have the time to do that.

Lectures are also structured differently depending on the audience, and if KTH lectures appear online we obviously want the audio and video to be of high quality.

Last year I had to "save" students from the involvement by the legal department by hunting down a bunch of copies and getting written statements from every student that had those that they were deleted and had not spread further.

Let us take pictures of the blackboard for everybody instead!

I do understand that you want to take pictures of the blackboard, so I suggest that:

  1. before each lecture somebody volunteers to sit in the front and take pictures,
  2. you send those pictures to me,
  3. you delete them when I have acknowledged that I have them, and
  4. I check them and post them on the handouts page for everybody.

I hope that you find this to be a reasonable solution!

....and I am going to assume that nobody recorded anything during the first two lectures unless you posted it online.