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Software reliability is a Masters level course which explores classic and modern methods of software testing. The course will be modified and updated over time.
Course Content
The subject matter of this course concerns modern and practical techniques for software testing and reliability modeling, suitable for the working software engineer. Software testing concerns the problem of analyzing and evaluating software products to reach some conclusion about their fitness for use. For safety critical, mission critical and enterprise critical systems development it is nowadays essential to have some form of software quality assurance measures in place within an IT project. Quality assurance measures may involve both managerial and technical procedures. However, the primary focus of this course will be on technical procedures to predict, discover and diagnose errors in software systems.
Performance on the course for individuals will be assessed by the grade awarded for lab work and a take-home examination. Successfully completed lab work gives a total of 3 points. The examination gives 4.5 points. The total number of points given by the course is 7.5 points.
If you have a disability, you may receive support from Funka, KTH’s coordinator for students with disabilities, see . Please inform the course coordinator if you have special needs not related to the written exam, and show your certificate from Funka.
- Support measures under code R (i.e. adjustments related to space, time, and physical circumstances) are generally granted by the examiner.
- Support measures under code P (pedagogical measures) may be granted or rejected by the examiner, after you have applied for this in accordance with KTH rules. Normally, support measures under code P will be granted”.