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Introduktion till högprestandaberäkningar

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This is a 2 weeks intensive course on introduction to high performance computing techniques and approaches. DD2358 is also PDC Summer School.

Attention: DD3258 lectures and lab sessions are offered during

August 19-30 at KTH main campus

A schedule of the course is provided here.

This course provides the skills needed to utilize high-performance computing (HPC) resources, and includes an introduction to a range of important topics, such as:

  • HPC programming languages, libraries and tools,
  • modern computer architectures,
  • parallel algorithms, and
  • optimizing serial and parallel programs.

Case studies in various scientific disciplines will be used to help illustrate these topics. The course consists of both lectures and guided hands-on lab sessions. 

The course will be graded (P)ass or (F)ail. 
