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Interaktionsdesign 2

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This is an advanced course in interaction design, where you will get to practice your design skills around a series of concrete design briefs, and discuss your own and others design projects from an academic perspective. The goal is to develop experience in how to independently drive interaction design projects, to develop qualitative work samples, and to prepare for master research projects in this area.

The different themes for design projects aim to structure our understandings of interaction design in terms of higher level intentions (to make money, to explore a new kind of technology, to make the world a better place, or to share ideas and knowledge). 

The course is based on five smaller projects where students work creatively  around an open theme:

  1. Explorative Design: focusing on exploration, based on a chosen design, material or concept.
  2. Responsible Design: interaction design based on ethical and political motives, e.g. helping those with special needs.
  3. Commercial Design: create a product with the potential to sell.
  4. Discursive Design: Trigger discussion and reflection concerning design or other aspects, e.g. norms, gender, values, aesthetics

The work will be conducted mainly through studio-based learning with weekly design crit sessions, where we openly criticize and discuss each others work and ongoing processes. With every theme there will also be theoretical seminars in which students jointly present and discuss texts related to current theme.


  • Revisit methodology sections from introductory HCI and Interaction Design course books.
  • https://www.interaction-design.org/
  • Research papers and materials related to each theme project will be handed out separately.
