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Tid: Måndag 27 januari 2014 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2014-01-27T10:00:00 2014-01-27T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
VT 2014 mdisemv14

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Lärare: Höök__Kristina ()

Studentgrupper: THCIM_HCIA_1, THCIM_HCIB_1, TIVNM_HCID_1

Detaljer (TimeEdit): Egen sal


We will read the article below and discuss it together. 

Höök, K., & Löwgren, J. (2012). Strong concepts: Intermediate-level knowledge in interaction design research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)19(3), 23.

Design-oriented research practices create opportunities for constructing knowledge that is more abstracted than particular instances, without aspiring to be at the scope of generalized theories. We propose an intermediate design knowledge form that we name strong concepts that has the following properties: is generative and carries a core design idea, cutting across particular use situations and even application domains; concerned with interactive behavior, not static appearance; is a design element and a part of an artifact and, at the same time, speaks of a use practice and behavior over time; and finally, resides on an abstraction level above particular instances. We present two strong concepts—social navigation and seamfulness—and discuss how they fulfil criteria we might have on knowledge, such as being contestable, defensible, and substantive. Our aim is to foster an academic culture of discursive knowledge construction of intermediate-level knowledge and of how it can be produced and assessed in design-oriented HCI research.

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 21 oktober 2013
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 12 december 2013
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 4 januari 2014

Schemahandläggare återställde händelsen ifrån papperskorgen. 4 januari 2014

Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 5 januari 2014

Schemahandläggare återställde händelsen ifrån papperskorgen. 7 januari 2014

Lärare Kristina Höök redigerade 10 januari 2014

We will read the article below and discuss it together. ¶

Höök, K., & Löwgren, J. (2012). Strong concepts: Intermediate-level knowledge in interaction design research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 19(3), 23.¶

Design-oriented research practices create opportunities for constructing knowledge that is more abstracted than particular instances, without aspiring to be at the scope of generalized theories. We propose an intermediate design knowledge form that we name strong concepts that has the following properties: is generative and carries a core design idea, cutting across particular use situations and even application domains; concerned with interactive behavior, not static appearance; is a design element and a part of an artifact and, at the same time, speaks of a use practice and behavior over time; and finally, resides on an abstraction level above particular instances. We present two strong concepts—social navigation and seamfulness—and discuss how they fulfil criteria we might have on knowledge, such as being contestable, defensible, and substantive. Our aim is to foster an academic culture of discursive knowledge construction of intermediate-level knowledge and of how it can be produced and assessed in design-oriented HCI research.¶

Lärare Kristina Höök redigerade 10 januari 2014

Föreläsning: rum 1635

Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 januari 2014

Schemahandläggare återställde händelsen ifrån papperskorgen. 13 januari 2014

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2014-01-13 17:04

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.