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Human-Computer Interaction, Research Seminars

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The course is formed around seminars presenting work from the research front in HCI - often given by invited lecturers. Before each seminar, the student is expected to read a paper or book chapter that is subsequently presented in the seminar. After each seminar, student work in groups to reflect on the topic of the seminar. To finalise the course, students are expected to write an (up to) six-page paper, showing that they picked up on what is happening in HCI and possibly shaping their research questions for their MSc-work. 

The aim of the course is to let students show that: they can read, critically examine and relate to research papers and furthermore articulate their own work in the form of a short paper. See the course plan. 

The six reflections need to be handed in one week after the respective seminars (or even BEFORE the seminar if possible?), and the six-page paper. As always, the earlier you finish the better. If you wait until the end of the term, it will take much longer for you to receive feedback and a grade due to the time constraints of grading everyone's paper. Put your reflections in Canvas. Please name your (please convert these to .pdf) files thusly: [(last_name) (reflection number)].

The examination is based on:

  • reflections (~one page each) on each of the six seminars of the course. Further instructions for the reflections will be given in Canvas. The reflections should be based on what is presented in the seminar - both the paper and the lecture. The one-page reflection should demonstrate the students can maintain a critical stance towards that content of the paper and discuss both the strong and weak points in the research presented. When relevant, the reflection should refer to other research papers or books that may shed light on or put a perspective on the content of the seminar. Each reflection receives a pass or fail. We will provide detailed individual comments on the first two reflections and then randomly on the final four (aiming for personal feedback on about 1/3 of the reflections).
  • a six-page paper where the student describes his/her own work - either based on some empirical work done in another course or work that may lead to their MSc-thesis work. See instructions below. The six-page paper is graded A - F.
