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Lecture 1

Time: Monday 1 September 2014 at 15:00 - 17:00 2014-09-01T15:00:00 2014-09-01T17:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2014 hallmed14

Location: D3

Activity: Lecture

Teachers: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()



Introduction to the Course and Why is Sustainability Important for You!

Lecturer: Daniel Pargman and Elina Eriksson, KTH

Guest lecturer: Samuel Mann, Otago University, New Zealand

Talk: The first part of the lecture is an introduction of the course with course information. The second part is a guest lecture about sustainability, and why sustainability is important for you as media technology students.

About: Daniel Pargman is an Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the KTH School of Computer Science and Communication. His research interests concerns social media, virtual communities, Internet culture, sustainability and resource challenges.

Elina Eriksson is working as a researcher at Green Leap and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at KTH. Her research interest has been in change issues, and user-centred design. However, on a personal level, the survival of the human race and her children in particular has pushed her into climate-sustainability-zombie anxiety, something she tries to harness in research.

Samuel Mann is an Associate Professor at Otago Polytechnic, in Dunedin, New Zealand. He effectively hold two positions – he teaches in computing (software engineering, interaction design) and hold the institution’s Education for Sustainability Portfolio.

Literature: No literature to read before the lecture.

Scheduling staff created event 3 April 2014

changed the permissions 15 May 2014

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Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 17 August 2014

Introduction to the Course and Why is Sustainability Important for You! Lecturer: Daniel Pargman and Elina Eriksson, KTH Guest lecturer: Samuel Mann, Otago University, New Zealand Talk: The first part of the lecture is an introduction of the course with course information. The second part is a guest lecture about sustainability, and why sustainability is important for you as media technology students.¶

About: Daniel Pargman is an Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the KTH School of Computer Science and Communication. His research interests concerns social media, virtual communities, Internet culture, sustainability and resource challenges. ¶

Elina Eriksson is working as a researcher at Green Leap and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at KTH. Her research interest has been in change issues, and user-centred design. However, on a personal level, the survival of the human race and her children in particular has pushed her into climate-sustainability-zombie anxiety, something she tries to harness in research.¶

Samuel Mann is an Associate Professor at Otago Polytechnic, in Dunedin, New Zealand. He effectively hold two positions – he teaches in computing (software engineering, interaction design) and hold the institution’s Education for Sustainability Portfolio.¶

Literature: No literature to read before the lecture.¶

Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 28 August 2014

FöreläsningLecture 1

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Last changed 2014-08-28 19:54

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