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Lecture 7

Time: Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 13:00 - 15:00 2014-09-16T13:00:00 2014-09-16T15:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2014 hallmed14

Location: V2

Activity: Lecture

Teachers: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()



Important and importanter - on values for transition

Guest Lecturer: Pella Thiel

Content: The transition to a resilient society is not all about energy, transportation and organic food. Maybe more important are our values - what we deem important, desirable and normal. This workshop will provide an approach to exploring the importance of the values that underpin concern about many social and environmental issues. It explores how recent social psychology research – particularly on values – provides a lens through which we can understand why people act as they do and how broad, long-term public engagement with problems such as climate change, global poverty, inequality can be achieved.

About: Pella Thiel has a master in ecology and long experience working with nature interpretation in NGOs and at the Swedish Center for Nature Interpretation at SLU. She is currently devoting most of her time working within the transition movement, both at a micro scale at her smallholding outside Stockholm, at community level and nationally within the swedish Transition Network, where she is chairing the board. Her main interest is in inner transition and that has lead her to explore work on values. She is part of the Common cause international network.



B. Knowles, "Re-imagining persuasion: designing for self-transcendence", in CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2013, ACM. p. 2713-2718.

Scheduling staff created event 3 April 2014

changed the permissions 15 May 2014

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Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 5 September 2014

FöreläsningLecture 7

Important and importanter - on values for transition Guest Lecturer: Pella Thiel Content: The transition to a resilient society is not all about energy, transportation and organic food. Maybe more important are our values - what we deem important, desirable and normal. This workshop will provide an approach to exploring the importance of the values that underpin concern about many social and environmental issues. It explores how recent social psychology research – particularly on values – provides a lens through which we can understand why people act as they do and how broad, long-term public engagement with problems such as climate change, global poverty, inequality can be achieved.¶

About: Pella Thiel has a master in ecology and long experience working with nature interpretation in NGOs and at the Swedish Center for Nature Interpretation at SLU. She is currently devoting most of her time working within the transition movement, both at a micro scale at her smallholding outside Stockholm, at community level and nationally within the swedish Transition Network, where she is chairing the board. Her main interest is in inner transition and that has lead her to explore work on values. She is part of the Common cause international network.¶

www.valuesandframes.orgwww.omställning.net www.transitionnetwork.org¶

Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 16 September 2014

Important and importanter - on values for transition Guest Lecturer: Pella Thiel Content: The transition to a resilient society is not all about energy, transportation and organic food. Maybe more important are our values - what we deem important, desirable and normal. This workshop will provide an approach to exploring the importance of the values that underpin concern about many social and environmental issues. It explores how recent social psychology research – particularly on values – provides a lens through which we can understand why people act as they do and how broad, long-term public engagement with problems such as climate change, global poverty, inequality can be achieved.

About: Pella Thiel has a master in ecology and long experience working with nature interpretation in NGOs and at the Swedish Center for Nature Interpretation at SLU. She is currently devoting most of her time working within the transition movement, both at a micro scale at her smallholding outside Stockholm, at community level and nationally within the swedish Transition Network, where she is chairing the board. Her main interest is in inner transition and that has lead her to explore work on values. She is part of the Common cause international network.

www.valuesandframes.orgwww.omställning.net www.transitionnetwork.org

Literature: ¶

B. Knowles, "Re-imagining persuasion: designing for self-transcendence", in CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2013, ACM. p. 2713-2718.¶

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Last changed 2014-09-16 22:07

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