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Lecture 10

Time: Tuesday 23 September 2014 at 15:00 - 17:00 2014-09-23T15:00:00 2014-09-23T17:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2014 hallmed14

Location: Q2

Activity: Lecture

Teachers: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()



Data for sustainability

Lecturer: Jorge Zapico, MID/CESC KTH, LNU

Content: In this lecture we will explore how ICT and media technologies are transforming how we work with sustainability, making information more open, accessible and understandable and changing the ways we make sense of the world. We will also discuss the risks of this data-driven approaches.

About: Jorge Zapico is a post-doctoral researcher at KTH Centre for Sustainable Communications, and at Linnaeus University. He has an engineer degree in computer science , a master in sustainable technology and a PhD on the relationship of ICT and sustainability and using data as a tool for sustainability. He is also co-organizer of the Green Hackathonseries of events.


Zapico, J. (2013). The hacker ethic, openness and sustainability. Download here. Chapter in: The open book, Open Knowledge Foundation.

Zapico, J., Brandt, N., Turpeinen, M. (2010) Environmental Metrics: The Main Opportunity from ICT for Industrial Ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14, 703-706.

Scheduling staff created event 3 April 2014

changed the permissions 15 May 2014

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Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 16 September 2014

FöreläsningLecture 10

Data for sustainability Lecturer: Jorge Zapico, MID/CESC KTH, LNU Content: In this lecture we will explore how ICT and media technologies are transforming how we work with sustainability, making information more open, accessible and understandable and changing the ways we make sense of the world. We will also discuss the risks of this data-driven approaches.¶

About: Jorge Zapico is a post-doctoral researcher at KTH Centre for Sustainable Communications, and at Linnaeus University. He has an engineer degree in computer science , a master in sustainable technology and a PhD on the relationship of ICT and sustainability and using data as a tool for sustainability. He is also co-organizer of the Green Hackathonseries of events.¶


Zapico, J. (2013). The hacker ethic, openness and sustainability. Download here. Chapter in: The open book, Open Knowledge Foundation.¶

Zapico, J., Brandt, N., Turpeinen, M. (2010) Environmental Metrics: The Main Opportunity from ICT for Industrial Ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14, 703-706.¶

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Last changed 2014-09-16 22:48

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