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Speech technology is a course at the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH), CSC, worth 7.5 ECTS credits.
The language of the course is English. The lectures will be given in English, lecture slides and the literature will be in English, instructions for the examination will be available in both English and Swedish.
The course is focused on the interaction between humans and computers using speech communication. Applications such as speaking and speech understanding computers, speaker verification as a personal identification method, and multimodal dialogue systems are presented. In order to explain the background for such applications, the course describes the basic concepts of human communication regarding speech, language and hearing as well as digital signal analysis and statistical methods for analysis and classification of speech.
The course will give the students theoretical and practical introductions to
linguistic theory and phonetics.
the basics of physiology and acoustics of speech as a base for speech technology models.
measuring techniques and signal processing in speech analysis.
the physiology of hearing, psychoacoustics and speech perception with applications in speech understanding systems.
evaluation of speech communication systems.
studies and experiments with text-to-speech and speech-to-text in systems for human-computer interaction, especially multimodal dialogue systems.