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Februari 2016
Lärare Giampiero Salvi skrev inlägget 2 februari 2016
Lärare kommenterade 2 februari 2016

Another question is about the topology of the HMM.

Here I just want you to draw a graph indicating the states of the HMM and which transitions between them are allowed according to the transition matrix in the prototype file.

Januari 2016
Lärare Giampiero Salvi skrev inlägget 28 januari 2016
Lärare kommenterade 29 januari 2016

I assume this worked? Can someone from Uppsla cofirm that? Cheers.

Lärare kommenterade 29 januari 2016

Yes, I believe they can see these comments. They still cannot see the other pages and for those there is no such option.

Lärare Giampiero Salvi skrev inlägget 28 januari 2016
Lärare Giampiero Salvi korrigerade 28 januari 2016

Hi all,

I saw that many are willing to run the lab on their own Ubuntu computers. Here are building instructions that worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386./configure --disable-hslab --disable-hlmtools --prefix=/opt/htkmake allsudo mkdir /opt/htksudo make install

Then you will need to add the path to your PATH variable, for example with adding this line

in bash:

export PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

in tcsh:

setenv PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

Test if it works by running any of the HTK commands, for example HList

For the lab to work, you will also need to install Wavesurfer with:¶

apt-get install libsnack-alsa wavesurfer¶

Good luck!¶

Lärare Giampiero Salvi korrigerade 28 januari 2016

Hi all,

I saw that many are willing to run the lab on their own Ubuntu computers. Here are building instructions that worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386./configure --disable-hslab --disable-hlmtools --prefix=/opt/htkmake allsudo mkdir /opt/htksudo make install

Then you will need to add the path to your PATH variable, for example with adding this line

in bash:

export PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

in tcsh:

setenv PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

Test if it works by running any of the HTK commands, for example HList

For the lab to work, you will also need to install Wavesurfer with:

apt-get install libsnack-alsa wavesurfer

Finally, if you do the lab on your computer, disregard the command "source config/environment" from the lab instructions¶

Good luck!

Lärare Giampiero Salvi korrigerade 28 januari 2016

Hi all,

I saw that many are willing to run the lab on their own Ubuntu computers. Here are building instructions for HTK (version 3.4.1) that worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386./configure --disable-hslab --disable-hlmtools --prefix=/opt/htkmake allsudo mkdir /opt/htksudo make install

Then you will need to add the path to your PATH variable, for example with adding this line

in bash:

export PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

in tcsh:

setenv PATH=/opt/htk/bin:$PATH

Test if it works by running any of the HTK commands, for example HList

For the lab to work, you will also need to install Wavesurfer with:

apt-get install libsnack-alsa wavesurfer

Finally, if you do the lab on your computer, disregard the command "source config/environment" from the lab instructions

Good luck!

Lärare kommenterade 28 januari 2016

Hi again,

now I had the time to actually test the commands with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.3 installation and I realized the above instructions are somewhat incomplete. If you want to run on your own machine I recommend you use the new lab files I made available under the lab1 page (dated 2016-01-28).