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Analys av elkraftsystem, del 1

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In the year 2000, the National Academy of Science of the United States of America named “Electrification” as the single “Greatest Engineering Achievement of the 20th Century”, and undoubtedly it is. The mere concept of electrification is powerful: it involves the continued development, operation and planning of colossal networks of electrical power apparatus that transform a diverse array of energy sources into electricity to enable almost the totally of industrial, commercial, and human life in modern society. Almost every single activity in today’s industrialized nations (such as Sweden) depends on electricity networks as the workhorse of society.

However, the continued operation of such systems in a sustainable, secure, and reliable fashion is under increasing pressure due to environmental concerns, the uncertainties brought upon by the integration of variable energy sources, limited investments in transmission assets, and a steady demand for a more secure supply of electric energy at the lowest possible cost.

It is then necessary to educate future engineers interested in electrical power with a strong background of the fundamental concepts and methodologies necessary to systematically study electric power networks. The foundations learned in this course will enable students to continue more advanced courses in the area. This course provides an introduction to electrical power networks and methods for their analysis. The methodologies studied in this course are well established and fairly general, so they can be applied to systems ranging from distribution networks to large-scale interconnected power systems.
