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See the KTH's webpage dedicated to plagiarism with KTH's policy for handling plagiarism and a booklet to help you avoid plagiarism.

In our course, plagiarism is mainly a problem in the assignments. If we find simple cases of plagiarism, we will not mark the assignment. In all other cases, we will report the case to KTH's disciplinary board and they will decide.

Please be aware that plagiarism does also include copying figures without giving reference to their original source.

The following Youtube movie is also very good for understanding what plagiarism is about and how to avoid it: 

Assistent Camille Hamon skapade sidan 20 januari 2014

Assistent Camille Hamon ändrade rättigheterna 6 februari 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.