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FACTS och HVDC i elkraftsystem

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FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) and HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) transmission are power electronics-based devices whose functions are to enhance the capacity, security and flexibility of power transmission systems. Application of these components in power systems implies an enhancement of transient and voltage stability, increase of power oscillation damping (POD) and improvement of power flow under undisturbed or post-fault conditions. The course starts with a short review of the power system stability challenges, and then discusses the application of the FACTS and HVDC transmission as technical solutions to these challenges. Basic mathematical models and control strategies will be presented to analyze the impact of these devices on power system stability. The software SIMPOW (SIMulation POWer systems) is used in the course.

Course syllabus: EG2120-2017-Course description.pdf

Course schedule: EG2120-schedule 2017.pdf

The text-book: available in Bilda
