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Examination and grading


The grading is ECTS. Detailed information on the grading criteria is given in the study handbook for EQ2430 and EQ2440, on page http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/EQ2430?l=en_UK and http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/EQ2440?l=en_UK, respectively.

Important Remark

Note that the group is to a large extent responsible for specifying the project.


In order to pass the course the items listed below has to be delivered in time and be of sufficient quality. The first item i.e. the "reflective diary" is individual while all the other deliverables are group efforts.

  • Reflective diary
  • Working prototype
  • Final project report (pdf )
  • Oral presentation and demonstration
  • Youtube video
  • Project plan (html or pdf)
  • Weekly progress reports (html or pdf)
  • Mid-term evaluation
  • WWW-based presentation, i.e. a project home page
  • Archive of the entire project (zip)
  • Equipment and literature returned (approved checklist)

Reflective Diary

This diary is an individual deliverable in contrast to all the other which are done in groups. The reflective diary should be sent to the course responsible and the project assistant every week according to the schedule. The diary should contain a description of what the student has learned or experienced during the week. For instance, the student may paste in a plot which illustrates the operation of some algorithm together with a couple of sentences describing what the plot actually shows what conclusions can be drawn or why no conclusion can be drawn. The student can also describe practical skills aquired such how to handle e.g. a computer a smart-phone or a USRP. It is also possible to describe identified problems that has been overlooked and need to be addressed. If you are unsure of what you can write in the diary, discuss with the course responsible or the project assistant.

Working Prototype

If nothing else is stated in the actual project description, all prototypes must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Real time functionality.
  • The user interface should be similar to the usual Windows style.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of processor time to free resources for running other processes.
  • The source code should be well structured and adequately commented.
  • The group should also be able to demonstrate a matlab simulator corresponding to the prototype.

Final Report

Your documents will be judged not only on its technical content, but also with respect to structure, presentation, and language. The prototype should be documented in great detail and address the items below.

  • Provide a background and motivation to the problem - why it is interesting. Describe the task at hand and the engineering constraints.
  • A discussion of models, fundamental limitations, previous work, litterature study, etc.
  • A theoretical part containing description and motivation of the approach taken to solve the problem. Some analysis and prediction of performance should be included.
  • A technical description of the prototype hardware and/or software. Design decisions should be motivated. Source codes and software should be archived and well documented.
  • A thorough test suite (in some cases simulations) comparing the theoretical and actually achieved results, together with explanations of the differences (if any).
  • A section identifying design flaws and bottlenecks together with a prioritized outline for design improvements.
  • Future work.
  • A reference list of cited publications.

The report should be succinct. Well known facts and algorithms should be briefly described and cited instead of explained in full detail. The references should be to easily accessible literature.

Youtube video

A youtube video which presents the project, it's solution and the demonstrator.

Project Plan

The project plan shall contain the following sections

  • Background (why this is interesting, what problem is solved).
  • Specification (what is the target).
  • Sketch of solution (How the problem is intended to be solved conceptually).
  • Description of task (Description of tasks with reference to previous point but also including "study" and "learning" items and reporting.)
  • Timeplan (e.g. Gant.chart) showing when an by whom tasks should be performed. Remember time for debugging, holidays and time buffers.

Weekly Meetings and Progress Reports

  • Groups should have weekly meetings. The project assistant will also be present at these meetings, mostly as a passive listener who occasionally provides guidance.
  • Weekly reports should be "minutes of meeting" ("mötesprotokoll" in Swedish).
  • Weekly meetings should include a follow up against time-plan, a list of who have done what during the past week.
  • Action items (i.e. things to do) for the next week should be created and assigned to project members.
  • Action items  from previous meetings should also be followed up.

WWW-pages and Archive

All documentation shall be accessible from the web page of the project. The web page should also contain a picture(s) of all group members where they can be identified. The www-pages should have a link to a PDF file of the final report as well as a link to the archive of your entire project. The archive should consist of all files necessary for reproducing your other deliverables (at least source codes, executables, project plan, progress reports, poster, final report and, if available in electronic form, presentation) and built according to the following instructions:

  • Remove all unnecessary files (e.g. backup files, outdated versions etc) and create a well arranged directory structure, where the top directory is named the name of the group followed by the year (e.g. green01).
  • The top directory should, in addition to sub directories for the deliverables, contain two files named (with appropriate suffix) "readme1st": complete instructions on how to execute and use your prototype, "how2compile", describes how to compile all your source files into an executable.. The executables and matlab code should reside in one of the sub directories.
  • Zip the entire directory structure and name the file "project.zip". Place it in the root of your afs area.


All documentation shall be written in English. This is a common requirement in industry. Furthermore, international students often participate in the projects and foreign guests are often interested in your reports

Lärare Per Zetterberg skapade sidan 31 oktober 2012

Lärare Per Zetterberg ändrade rättigheterna 26 november 2012

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.