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Welcome to the course website for SF3812

The course SF3812 is a PhD level version of the course SF2812.

The PhD level version of the course is primarily intended for students from PhD programs other than Applied and Computational Mathematics.

In addition to the requirements of SF2812, a passing grade in SF3812 requires:

  • Completion of advanced exercises in the two projects that are handed out during the course.
  • Completion of an additional assignment. The assignment is to create a prototype of a modeling project, such as the two ones that have been given in the course. The project should be related to the field of research of the PhD student, and it should be given on a level such that it is suitable for use in the course, by modeling in GAMS, and with basic and advanced exercises.
    A prototype should be derived, which means an explanation of the problem and the questions related to the problem. This need not be on such a detailed level that a GAMS model is created, but it should be on a level such that a GAMS model could be made on the basis of the description. (No GAMS model is expected.)
    The description should be sent to the examiner by e-mail no later than three weeks after the exam. The PhD student will then be called to a meeting witht the examiner where the project proposal is dicussed.
    The intent is to give a bridge to the PhD student's research, and see some of the motivation for taking the course.

For further information, we refer to SF212 Applied Linear Optimization.

PhD students are welcome to take the master level course SF2812 instead of SF3812.
