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Course materials, fall 2015

This course is given in a sequence of two-hour meetings. There is a mid-term exam the 27th of November (covering material contained in meetings 1-11) and a mid-term re-exam on the 18th of December (covering the same material). Overall plan for the whole course: courseplan.pdf.

The literature i free and is provided here for free access:

* Introduktion till Diskret Matematik och Kryptering (by Johnny Panrike): idk.zip.* Discrete Math for Computer Science Students, by Bogart, Drysdale, Stein, (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi): fullbook.pdf.* Lecture Notes in Discrete Mathematics, by MB Finan, (Arkansas Tech University): main2.pdf.

There is some practical work (laborationer) too, but more information about that will appear here shortly.

Important statement about breach of discipline: Om fusk och plagiering: När det gäller laborationer i denna kurs så får ni absolut inte ta andra studenters arbetsresultat, eller delar av andras arbetsresultat, och lämna in som ert eget arbete. Flytta därför aldrig kod från en studentdator till en annan! Det inkluderar också att titta på andra studenters lösningar till laborationerna. Man kan titta på andra studenters lösningar till övningar, men lösningarna till laborationerna måste ni hemlighålla för varandra. Ni har också lovat att respektera detta då ni skrev på er ansvarsförsäkran i början av era studier. Om vi finner, vid en plagiatkontroll, att ni trots allt flyttat kod från en dator till en annan och lämnat in som eget arbetsresultat måste vi anmäla detta till disciplinnämnden och både den student som gett kod och student som tagit emot kod riskerar straff i form av disciplinär åtgärd. Detta kan innebära 6 veckors avstängning från studierna med förlust av studiemedel och en ful plump i meritlistan (som syns för framtida arbetsgivare). Verktygen för att upptäcka plagiat är mycket effektiva och hittar fusk även om man försöker dölja det genom att redigera koden som tagits från någon annan. Det är dock så i den här kursen att laborationerna genomförs i par så inom paret är det OK att flytta kod från en students dator till en annan.

Typical layout of a week of work in this course (the first week does not have this layout!):

Monday: Meeting with presentation of new material and follow-up of previous material. Particularly Peer-Instruction questions are worked with on material that the student is supposed to have studied independently.Tuesday or Wednesday: The same thing as on Monday.Friday: Meeting with studies of exercises: to this meeting it is very important to bring questions. Work with the material beforehand and note your questions and bring them to the meeting.

To support the students in working continuously with the course, there are two written mid-term exams and also a studyplan is provided: studyplan.pdf.

The assignments really do not contain anything new in programming. You have just attended the course in Java and the Octave language is a very easy MATLAB-lookalike which you can learn through online tutorials. The assignments (assignments.pdf) are best solved on the Groucho platform which runs perfectly under VirtualBox: https://kth.box.com/s/x9b5c9ck1chllfynjt9o. Two Java programs are needed to more easily get started: P2PTCP.java , StringSender.java. And here are some films in Swedish which will help you to get those programs going: gettingstarted.mp4 (for assignment 1a). And: gettingstarted2.mp4 (for assignment 2a). The solutions to the assignments must be submitted for plagiarism detection prior to examination at https://maceo.sth.kth.se. Submission must take place no later than lunch the day before the examination as I need to consolidate the material the day before the examination. Examination of the assignments are done on Fridays and a time slot have to be booked via Bilda.

Here are material for all meetings: m1.pdf, m2.pdf, m3.pdf, m5.pdf, m6.pdf, m8.pdf, m9.pdf, m11.pdf, m12.pdf, m14.pdf, m15.pdf, m17.pdf, m18.pdf, m20.pdf. This material must be watched when needed: funktioner.pdf.

Here are films to be watched before certain meetings: formeeting2.mp4, formeeting3.mp4, formeeting4.mp4, formeeting6.mp4, formeeting8.mp4, formeeting9.mp4. Short video that explains why an implication (p->q) is always true if it's premise (p) is false: implication.mp4. Completion of meeting 18: completionmeeting18.mp4.

This is a mock exam (låtsastenta): mockexam.pdf. Here are three previous exams: writtenexam_2015_01_19.pdf, solutions_written_exam_2015_01_19.pdf. writtenreexam.pdf, solutions_april_2015.pdf. writtenexam_aug_2015.pdf, Solutions_2015_aug_extra_exam.pdf. (The last written exam is what your exam will look like.)

Anonymous diagnostic tests (this is from last year and for reference only): anondiagtest.pdf anondiagtest2.pdf anondiagtest3.pdf

Corrected handed in solutions: corrected_solutions.pdf

Solutions to problems in the tests: solutionsadtest.pdf.

Midterm exam with solutions: midterm1solutions.pdf.