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Strukturbiologi och cellbiologi

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Application code for VT20 is 61051

The course will likely be cancelled, please contact Caroline Jegerschöld for questions. cije@kth.se






  • The course book is: Molecular Cell Biology, 8th ed, 2016, Eds Berk et al. ISBN-16: 978-1-4641-8744-5    "Global edition"
  • The schedule can to some extent be discussed with the students to accommodate for other courses.
  • Home assignments are strongly recommended to hand in! 
  • The two teachers are Carsten Mim and Caroline Jegerschöld.

Welcome to the course Structure Biology and Cell Biology!


An important part of medical imaging concerns high resolution information on the atomic, molecular and cellular level. A knowledge of the architecture of the cell and an understanding of the basic relationships between biological structure and function is one aim of this course.

Another aim is to give a picture of what environment an implant must be accepted into and an understanding of the origins of some biomaterials. Cells can produce biomaterial like hyaluronan acid, collagen and many others or form new tissue from stem cells.


Course Objectives

After the course you should have:

  • An understanding for the subcellullar components and their organisation. Cellullar processes. Cells in the social context of tissues building an organism with focus on the eukaryotic cell.
  • An understanding for genetic mechanisms, genetic information flow and the different levels of hereditary information.
  • Learned about biomolecular structure on an atomic level and how stuctural motifs relate to biological function in some important cases. 
  • Hands-on experience of software for molecular graphics and of structural data bases.


Ways and means

-It is mostly a reading course with two computer practicals, home assignments and a project presented orally

-Book: Molecular Cell Biology, 8th ed, 2016, Eds Berk et al. Global Edition ISBN-16: 978-1-4641-8744-5

-Handouts and materials given out during the course

-The language is English



To assist the studies, four assignments to hand in individually are offered but are not compulsory.

All assignments are checked for plagiarism as they are uploaded via the Canvas platform. All cases of plagiarism are reported.


Written Exam.  

To pass the course a Pass for all Practicals and 50% (E) of the exam must be attained.

Extra points on the exam can be acquired by submitting correct answers to the Questions/assignments handed out!

1. Practicals (DL1 and DL2) and the project presentation 1.5 ECTS

2. Exam 7.5 ECTS


Basic knowledge is strongly recommended, e.g. the course BB1010 "Introduction to Biotechnology" or similar.

HL2025 VT20

Course level (A-D)   D

Education level         2

Area                        Medical engineering

Program                  TMLEM1, CMEDT, others

Grade levels            A,B,C,D,E,Fx,F
