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A5 Project presentation

Tid: Torsdag 14 januari 2016 kl 09:00 - 12:00 2016-01-14T09:00:00 2016-01-14T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Plats: Ka-204

Aktivitet: Seminarium

Lärare: Konrad Tollmar ()

Studentgrupper: TIVNM_HCID_2

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 13 oktober 2015
Lärare Konrad Tollmar redigerade 4 november 2015

SeminariumA5 Project presentation

Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 december 2015

Torsdag 17 december4 januari 20156 kl 1309:00 - 152:00


Lärare kommenterade 23 december 2015

Dear all,

Here is an example exam for ID2216. The real one will be distributed on the 8/Jan.
Moreover, my feedback on your projects will be provided 28/Dec.

Mery xmas,

D2216 HomeExam 13/March/2015  


  • Swedish students are allowed to answer in Swedish.
  • Every question should be replied with a clear reference including exact page number. You can also add some additional reference outside the course literature but need to include at least one from the course literature.
  • Each question should be answered in min 1/2 page – max 2 pages.
  • The home-­‐exam should be submitted by email in PDF format and include your name, using the naming convention: id2216-­‐exam2015-­‐yourname.pdf, also attachments should be labeled in similar way to be graded
  • The deadline for the home exam is March 13 / 23:55
  • The home exam is an individual exam, and we will cross-­‐check samples to validate uniqueness and originality using tools for plagiarism.

Good luck / Konrad & Pietro

Q1 Mobile Apps and Services

(A) Describe with your words two different ways of using context information to create personal mobile user experience [2p]

(B) Describe three main pros and cons between Mobile Web apps and Native apps [3p]

Q2 Mobile User Experience  

(A) Explain two approaches to design mobile  application that support inclusions, ie help marginalized groups to use mobile communication [2p]  

(B) Describe three different methods to test mobile apps [3p]  

Q3 Mobile Web Apps

(A) Describe different design methods from web design that can be used in development of mobile web app, also discuss how these methods supports the design process [2p]

(B)  Describe how to use the JQuery framework for developing mobile Apps. List and shortly argue on pros and cons between this framework and some different mobile web frameworks [4p]

(C) List and explain at least four important factors to consider when choosing tools for developing cross platform mobile apps [4p]

Q4 Native Apps

(A) Describe an Android Intent and how to use it in mobile app [2p]

(B) Show how to use a content provider. Describe two App designs where content provider are used. [2p]

(C) List the different states in a Service life-cycle and describe how a service transfer between these states  [2p]

(D) Describe six different demands that Android applications should be designed for  [3p]

(E) Show how to use a UI fragment. Whats is the main benefit by using fragments in an Android UI? [3p]

Q5 Wearables

(A) Describe and discuss how wearables could be used to handle privacy and surveillance issues [1p]

(B) Describe two approaches in connecting an Android Wear app and the paired handheld device [2p]

(C) List two  main technical drivers behind the emergence of consumer-oriented wearables [2p]

Q6 Internet of Things

(A) Describe the main differences between the concepts of IoT and M2M and provide some examples concerning architectures and actors [2p].

(B) Current IoT ecosystem can be represented in a layered structure based on the value creation at each layer. Describe the current structure and provide some examples of systems “operating” at each layer [2p]  

(C) Describe iBeacons and their main functionalities [1p]

Q7 Mobile Mashups

(A) Describe the term Mobile Mashups. Provide two  examples and show the overall architecture  [2p]  

(B) Describe and discuss three types of data formats commonly used for mobile web services [3p]  

Q8 Mobile Ecosystem

(A) List at least five different business models for mobile apps [1p]

(B) Pick two of these models and compare their pros and cons [2p]

(C) List and describe the most important actors in the mobile ecosystem [2p]

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-12-14 13:13

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.