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Januari 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 14 november 2014
kommenterade 26 januari 2015

KD2430 Nuclear Exam

Mars 2012
Februari 2012
Lärare Mats Jansson skrev inlägget 27 februari 2012
Lärare Mats Jansson skrev inlägget 24 februari 2012
Lärare Mats Jansson skrev inlägget 22 februari 2012
Lärare Mats Jansson skrev inlägget 13 februari 2012
Januari 2012
under Allmänt

Mats Jansson skapade sidan 22 januari 2012

Mars 2011
Amir Shabanisefidan skrev inlägget 17 mars 2011
Lärare kommenterade 17 mars 2011

Problem 12: Who said you need to use everything that is given in the problem? I often give more data than is needed, it's a part of the problem to understand what to use and what not to use.

Problem 11: The exercises are taken from the 'old' Nuclear Chemistry course. The radiation chemistry questions are not included in this course (13 & 16 and half 11), so you don't have to bother about these. The thing you should be able to calculate is the dose rate.

(and to answer your question: First calculate the dose rate, then use the G-value given in problem 16 to obtain the H2O2-concentration. Plug the concentration into the the given equation and you will get the rate of oxidation. And no, oxidation rate is not the same as dose rate)

kommenterade 17 mars 2011

Thank you :)