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Cyber-physical systems integrate calculations, communication and physical processes, and can thereby give rise to completely new systems, from small-scale applications (e.g. a pacemaker) to large-scale, such as intelligent transport and energy systems. By integrating new technology and connected it with new business models (or application of new business models), cyber-physical systems are given novel abilities, leading to unimagined possibilities for innovation, but also to new risks.
Cyber-physical systems are increasingly being used in open societal context (”the robots are released from the factories”) and various sectors. As humans, our interaction with cyber-physical systems will increase and we will become increasingly dependent on them. It is therefore of importance to understand basic concepts and features that characterises these systems, their possible influence at different levels, and how we can design them without undesired effects.
The course has as an overall aim of providing an overview and understanding of cyber-physical systems and how they contribute to a socio-technical change. The course material includes several case studies and examples to make the material concrete. Cyber-physical systems are a broad field; the course emphasises systems views and connections/integrations between domains and disciplines.
The course is divided into the following modules: