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Metal powders are vital for many processes, including additive manufacturing, sintering, isostatic pressing and metal injection moulding. This course gives covers the science of metal powder production in depth, focusing on key technologies and properties.
The way in which powders are characterised is also a major focus of this course: what properties are important? How can they be measured? What problems can there be in measurements?
Even the most advanced and successful powder production processes is useless unless the powders are stored and handled correctly. This and potential hazards of metal powder will be considered.
This course builds on knowledge gained in MH2100. If you did not take MH2101, introductory material will be available during the course.
This course has been designed so that you are in control. Information will be made available using videos, texts and formative quizzes in Canvas. Lectures will focus on advanced areas, industrial challenges and issues of metal powders and sustainability.
The course is examined in four parts: quizzes that are part of the course Canvas page, a lab exercise and a written exam and an assignment that is based on a feasible industrial scenario.
This course has been created by project "Utbildning i produktion av metallpulver – Framtidens arbetskraft i Sverige (UPP-FAS)" (reference number 2018-00794), within the strategic innovation program Metallic Materials, a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.