Project work report - as was emailed 13/3 to course participants:

I promised to come back with some more words about the report and its size. Actually, the only things I would like to add is that the font-size should be no smaller than 12 and I still think each group should be able to keep to no more than 12 pages. It’s an art to write short and concise! However, there is often a benefit with having supporting material, and that can be done by adding appendices, which is fine. I said before that the report can be given in paper or by email, but I would strongly prefer email


So here it is all again about the report hand-in:

A written report describing the work, the thought process, the background, analysis of the task, proposals, results and conclusions shall be given to the examiner by the end of the Period 3 (March 21st) (email strongly preferred, but paper also ok). One report per group. The report should be around 8-12 A4-pages, with a font-size no smaller than 12. However, supporting material can be attached in appendices.



