Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


Time: Friday 7 February 2014 at 13:00 - 15:00 2014-02-07T13:00:00 2014-02-07T15:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Location: F1

Activity: Lecture

Teachers: Gunnar Englund ()

Student groups: CDATE_2, CDATE_INT_2, CDATE_JAP_2, CDATE_KIN_2, CMETE_2

Scheduling staff created event 15 October 2013
Scheduling staff cancelled the event 12 December 2013
Scheduling staff cancelled the event 12 December 2013
Scheduling staff removed the event 4 January 2014

Scheduling staff restored the event from the trash can. 4 January 2014

Scheduling staff removed the event 5 January 2014

Scheduling staff restored the event from the trash can. 7 January 2014

Scheduling staff removed the event 13 January 2014

Scheduling staff restored the event from the trash can. 13 January 2014

Accessible to the whole world.

Last changed 2014-01-13 18:01

Tags: None so far.