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Fysikens matematiska metoder

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Alla kurser på KTH använder inte kurswebben fullt ut i dagsläget. Kurswebben är däremot alltid öppen för studenter. Som student kan bidra med material i kurswikin ( t ex föreläsningsanteckningar och lästips), ställa frågor och diskutera kursen med andra studenter. Modereringsfunktionen fångar upp obesvarade frågor till myndigheten KTH och skickar dem vidare till rätt instans. På kurswebben hittar du även schemainformation om kursen. Mer om hur kurswebben fungerar

Welcome to the course website!

INFO VT2018: 

All courses at KTH are not using the course web in full. The course web is however always open to students. Students can provide input into the course wiki (eg lecture notes and tips on useful readings), ask questions and discuss the course with other students. There is a moderator function that captures unanswered questions to the public agency KTH and sends them on to the proper authorities. You can find information about the course schedule aswell on the course web. More information about the course web.

Question: Jag är registrerad på tentan till Fysikens matematiska metoder del2 den 14 mars.
jag försöker hitta information gällande om man får ta med sig formelsamling eller inte.

Answer: As written in the coursePM of SI1200, the only help allowed in SI1200 exams is the following which you will receive at the exam (don't bring your own copy):  FormelsamlingFMM.pdfFörhandsvisa dokumentet

Question: I am registered for SI1140 but still need to do the exam. How can I do this?  

Answer: SI1140 will no longer be given in the future, and it is replaced by two courses SI1146 and SI1200. 

SI1140 Del 1 corresponds to SI1146 (i.e. you can pass SI1140 TENA by passing the exam in SI1146). 

The main part (4p) of SI1140 Del 2 corresponds to SI1200 (i.e. you can pass SI1140 TENB by passing the exam in SI1200). 

Note that SI1140 also includes a homework (INLA, 1p). I will give another opportunity for this during spring 2018. If you need and want to do this then, please send me (=langmann"at"kth.se)  an email with subject "SI1140 Del 2 INLA" (if you already send me an email don't do it again). I very much appreciate if all who still need to do this will do this during spring 2018: please give this high priority (it will be probably more work for you afterwards). 

Question: I have already a mark in SI1140, but I want to improve it my writing the exam again. How can I do this? 

Answer: To improve you mark in SI1140 Del 2 you can write the exam in SI1200. 

To improve your mark in SI1140 Del 1 you need to write the exam in SI1146. If you improve your mark, you also need to do an additional oral exam (since SI1140 Del 1 has more points than SI1146). Please contact me (langmann"at"kth.se) using the subject "SI1140 Del1 plussar" a week or so before the SI1146 exam if you plan to do this. 
