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Information from KTH E-learning (In English)


Extra Lunch n’ Learn webinars

Considering the increasing use of E-learning, we are launching extra Lunch n’ Learn webinars (digital seminars) on key functionality for teachers that need support to start their digitization. We are planning for topics such as to conduct distance courses, digital examination and video in the teaching and will announce them in a couple of days. See previously streamed seminars and read about coming webinars here.

Webinar: How to use Zoom in educational settings (the webinar will be in Swedish)

When: Date: Thursday 19/3 12:15 to about 13:15

Location: Online via Zoom, connect via this link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/829795643

More info: https://intra.kth.se/education/e-larande/lunch-n-learn/

Recommendations for digital education

E-learning has a collection of recommendations for the use of e-learning in KTH's courses (covid-19). More general information about working from home can be found here: Tools for working remotely.

Technical and educational support

We are expanding the capacity of our technical and educational support with educational developers and technicians to help teachers get started with Canvas, web meeting, video, examination and more. If you want help, please contact it-support@kth.se, 08-790 6600 as usual, who will put you in touch with the right resource.