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Här visas ändringar i "Master specializations within the degree programme in computer science and engineering" mellan 2020-04-21 12:59 av Manja Schubert och 2022-02-04 11:51 av Manja Schubert.

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Master specializations within the programme in computer science and engineering

During your studies at KTH you will mainly study courses within one of the master options offered within the education programme you are registered in. The following master options are available for students of computer science and engineering:

* Computer Science
* Communication Systems
* Embedded Systems
* Information and Network Engineering
* Systems, Control and Robotics
* Interactive Media Technology
* Machine Learning
* Software Engineering of Distributed Systems
* Cybersecurity
The specialization will give you the needed depth within the field of interest to prepare you for the Master’s Degree Project and your future career.

Please note that double degree students are enrolled in the degree programme in computer science (Master of Science in Engineering) and not the 2-year Master's programme. The Master's programme is a profile/specialisation to focus on within the Master of Science in Engineering.