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IK2200: Team Explorer

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Global Distributed Snapshot

This project is about developing a distributed transaction engine and collect it's global snapshot, we will use this snapshot to detect and resolve deadlocks in the system.

This project is part of the Communication System Design project course IK2200.

Team members and contact information

Rafid Karim (rafidk@kth.se)

Haidara Al-Fakhri (haidara@kth.se)

Uma Nikam (unikam@kth.se)

Lanyi Liu (lanyi@kth.se),

Yantian You (yantian@kth.se)

Ming Liu (987020311@qq.com)

Other contacts

Dejan Kostic (dmk@kth.se) - Examiner, course responsible, teacher

Kirill Bogdanov (kirillb@kth.se) - Teacher