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This is the project web page for Group 4 NSC (NFV ServiceChains)

This project aims to provide an automated framework that makes it easy to deploy, manage, monitor and chain lightweight NFs (Network Functions) in order to provide advanced services to end users. The plan is to realize that through high-level policies, deployed on a framework formed by bridging SDN controller with NFV platform.

Group members are:

  • Maliha Cheema <malihac@kth.se>
  • Khalid Elbashir <elbashir@kth.se>
  • Nikoletta Koutsou <nkoutsou@kth.se>
  • Jiakun Jin <jiakun@kth.se>
  • Cheng Huang <chenghu@kth.se>
  • Yiting Yu <yitingy@kth.se>