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LaTeX by Alexandre Labrosse

Recorded lectures, slides and tutorials 

Alexandre Labrosse from École polytechnique Paris gives three lectures (each 90 minutes ) on LaTeX, at school of ICT, KTH Kista, Stockholm Sweden, 2012 January 


  1. LaTeX lecture one  (basics), Slides
  2. LaTeX lecture two  (mathematics, bibliography, arrays), Slides
  3. LaTeX lecture three (lists, collaborative work, graphic elements), Slides


  1. Starter
  2. Second tutorial
  3. No third tutorial (one can go through the one proposed by Till Tantau in the PGF/TikZ manual)

Anders Sjögren skapade sidan 3 februari 2012

Alexandre Labrosse redigerade 9 februari 2012

Recorded lectures, slides and tutorials  Alexandre Labrosse from École polytechnique Paris gives three lectures (each 90 minutes ) on LaTeX, at school of ICT, KTH Kista, Stockholm Sweden, 2012 January 


* LaTeX lecture one  (basics), Slides
* LaTeX lecture two  (mathematics, bibliography, arrays), Slides
* LaTeX lecture three (still to comelists, collaborative work, graphic elements), Slides

* Starter
* Second tutorial
* No third tutorial (one can go through the one proposed by Till Tantau in the PGF/TikZ manual)

Alexandre Labrosse ändrade rättigheterna 9 februari 2012

Kunde läsas av alla inloggade användare. Kunde ändras av administratörer.
Christian Schulte redigerade 16 februari 2012

Recorded lectures, slides and tutorials  Alexandre Labrosse from École polytechnique Paris gives three lectures (each 90 minutes ) on LaTeX, at school of ICT, KTH Kista, Stockholm Sweden, 2012 January 


* LaTeX lecture one  (basics), Slides
* LaTeX lecture two  (mathematics, bibliography, arrays), Slides
* LaTeX lecture three (lists, collaborative work, graphic elements), Slides

* Starter
* Second tutorial
* No third tutorial (one can go through the one proposed by Till Tantau in the PGF/TikZ manual)