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Här visas ändringar i "2012-2013" mellan 2013-09-02 14:11 av Oliver Tessmann och 2013-09-02 14:25 av Oliver Tessmann.

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Hayk Shahinyan

Hayk Shahinyan | Project 4 2013 Fabricating Landscapes, 2012-2013

The theme and typology of the academic year 2012-2013 revolved around the notion of ‘Landform Building’ as described by Stan Allen Publication and Conference (See the lecture he gave at KTH in 2011 on YouTube). The studio applied the theme to large-scale research facilities in southern Sweden. In this way the historical idea of the megastructure is re-assessed and reformulated, in order to define digitally supported design strategies that mediate between internal research environments and the public, urban and rural environments, as well as constructed and natural landscape.

None Karina Andreeva | Project 4 2013 None¶

Louis Bergis | Project 3 2013
The technological focus was put on issues of fabrication, both as a tool for design development, and as means for production of large and small scale structures. Various principles of fabrication, production and construction were developed in the final output, as integral parts of comprehensive architectural designs.


Hayk Shahinyan | Project 3 2013 Project 1 Primer: From Ground to Canopy

‘From Ground to Canopy’ introduced the notion of the Landform Building, Parametric Modeling and Digital Fabrication. It is sequenced into two interrelated design tasks that negotiate the massiveness of ground manipulation with the lightness of a sheltering canopy. Every group member furthermore conducted a detailed research on architectural precedences of Landform Buildings, their construction techniques and processes.


Sjoerd Keetels and David Kriechmair | Project 1 2012 None

Samantha Surath and Shirin Jafari | Project 1 2012 Project 2: From Landform to Prototype

‘From Landform to Prototype’ addressed the two core topics of our studio – fabrication and the landform building – in two extremely different scales springing from the design and research conducted in the previous project. In the primer ‘From Landscape to Canopy’ students designed open air exhibition and event spaces. In the From Landform to Prototype the designs were contextualized (in regard to site and program) and further developed (in terms of fabrication and construction, as well as topographical relations).


Romaric Matten | Project 2 2013