Hong Kong PhD fellowships

Message from Graduate School

The University is now inviting applications for admission to MPhil and PhD programmes for 2018-19.

To encourage students with outstanding academic performance to join our programmes, fellowships/ scholarships are offered as follows:

-Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) Scheme#
HK$240,000 per year (For details, please visit: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html)

-University Postgraduate Fellowships (UPF)
At least HK$213,460 per year*
-Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS)
At least HK$195,960 per year

#HKPF awardees will not be concurrently awarded UPF and PGS
*Combined value of UPF and PGS

You may wish to know that the University Grants Committee (UGC) will assess institutions’ performance in research postgraduate (RPg) training through various indicators, including the entry quality of the incoming RPg students and the institutional successful rate in the HKPF Scheme.  It is crucial for the University to demonstrate her ability in attracting top students and therefore, academic staff members are strongly encouraged to reach out to outstanding students, inviting them to apply for our RPg programmes and the HKPF Scheme.  The application periods are as follows:

Hong Kong PhD Fellowships (HKPF)
Initial application to the Research Grants Council: September – December 1, 2017 noon
Full application to HKU: September – December 1, 2017

Main round application
September – December 1, 2017

Please note that MPhil students should enrol on either September 1, 2018 or January 1, 2019, and PhD students can enrol on the first day of any calendar month.  As for the awardees of Hong Kong PhD Fellowships, students are expected to start their studies on September 1, 2018.
As many of our research postgraduate students are HKU graduates, your support and encouragement is vital for the maintenance of a vibrant research postgraduate programme. Please remind your students so that they will not miss the deadline. Because of limited places, it is to their advantage to apply early in the aforesaid application exercise.

This year, the Graduate School has produced some new videos and is pleased to share with you the following links (for showing to potential applicants where appropriate):

1.  Why HKU (new): <http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/videos/why-hku>
2.  How to Apply (new): <http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/videos/how-to-apply>
3.  Housing for Postgraduate Students (new) : <http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/videos/housing-for-pg-students>
4.  Voices of HKPF Awardees: <http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/prospective-students/mphil-phd-alumni-student-stories/student-stories>

For further details, please refer to the Graduate School website (http://www.gradsch.hku.hk) or contact the Graduate School.

Graduate School
Room P403, Graduate House
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2857-3470, Fax : (852) 2857-3543
Email: gradsch@hku.hk
Website: http://www.gradsch.hku.hk