KTH Medieteknikdag 2023
Medieteknik, civilingenjör, 300 hp
Master's Programme, Interactive Media Technology, 120 hp
Medieteknik på KTH - Filmen är gjord av studenter för ca 10 år sedan
Place: KTH Innovation , Teknikringen 1
08:30 Second breakfast
09:00 Welcome
09:15 Initial exercise
09:30 Keynote presentation:
Erik Gandini
, Professor of Documentary Film, SKH: After Work
10:30 Group discussions: "Is a degree from an education programme in Media Technology a good foundation to stand on for the future?"
11:45 Summing up
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome to afternoon activities and participants from working life
13:15 Short introductions from some participants from working life
14:00 Groups discussions: Competence needs identification within Media Technology and Interaction Design
15:30 Summing up
16:00 End of formal programme
Those who want are welcome to stay longer!