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Research Visits

PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in SweGRIDS are encouraged to make research visits to other organizations such as universities and research institutes, where the special competences and equipment add to the researcher's project results and education.

SweGRIDS can provide supplementary funding for research visits that are considered to be suitably useful to the project. The funding covers just accommodation and non-local travel (typically flights), for visits totalling up to 6 months. As well as a description of the planned visit and its purpose, confirmation is needed from the project's main supervisor that it is a useful part of the project and is accepted by your department. Approval of funding from SweGRIDS must be obtained before the visit starts.

If you are interested in applying for research-visit funding, please contact the relevant centre-manager for your university: see Contact . The approval is decided by the program committee, so you should apply well in advance in order to have the decision made at a quarterly meeting before the travel. Typically, applicants have made contact half a year or more before the travel starts, but we of course try to sort things out if you have to make the decision of a visit with less lead-time available.

After the visit, a brief summary is expected to be presented at a meeting of the program committee. Approved funding is paid to the researcher's department at the end of the year, along with the normal SweGRIDS financing.