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GASENS – next generation gas sensors

KTH and a group of industrial partners have received a grant of SEK 10 million from VINNOVA, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, for the large-scale development of the next generation of sustainable production systems for gas sensors. Asthma monitors, non-contact alco-lock devices in cars, and ventilation monitoring devices are examples of how gas-sensor technology could be used in the future.

As part of VINNOVA’s research programme entitled “Challenge-driven innovation stage two, development and integration”, KTH and companies including Aerocrine, SenseAir and Silex will receive a total of SEK 10 million to develop sustainable solutions designed for use within areas such as health and medical care and industrial production. Seven partners are cooperating in the project, which has an overall budget of SEK 30 million. The participants will develop sustainable and flexible forms of production together; systems that can fulfill various customer demands and also enable high-volume manufacturing for mass usage of gas sensors. To reduce costs and increase production volumes, the sensor solutions must support integration of the functions on a single chip. Ideally, the chips should be small enough – to fit inside a mobile phone, for example. KTH’s Nano and Microsystem Lab is responsible for developing the next generation of miniaturised gas sensors based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).

Project Sponsors

  • VINNOVA - Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems
  • Aerocrine
  • SenseAir
  • Silex

 Project partners

  • Aerocrine 
  • SenseAir 
  • Silex

Project members

Kristinn B. Gylfason

Hans Sohlström

Floria Ottonello Briano

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