Hackathon: Data Analytics in Public Transport
Tid: Må 2022-02-14 kl 09.00 - Ti 2022-02-15 kl 12.00
Plats: Online event
This hackathon will allow participants to explore Public Transport data of two European cities: Stockholm and London. Participants will either analyse its operation data (vehicle movement data) or propose innovative ways of using data, with the eventual aim of improving customer experience or/and increasing operation efficiency. This online event also provides opportunities for students and researchers of three universities: KTH, Lund, and UCL, to work together in teams, and the winners will be given an opportunity to physically attend a workshop at the counterpart university and present the work to and interact with practitioners.
Prizes: The winning team(s) will be awarded valuable prize(s), specifically shopping vouchers. We have a budget to invite best teams to workshops at the counterpart countries to present their ideas to practitioners.
Registration: You may find more information and registration here KTH/Lund/UCL: Hackathon: Data Analytics in Public Transport
Organisers: KTH, Lund University and University of College London
This event is supported by the City Partnership Program.