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Automatic identification of Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) using Cluster data

Masters Thesis Presentation

Time: Thu 2020-07-09 10.15


Participating: Linn Mandell

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Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) are areas in the solar wind with increased magnetic field strength in comparison to the background magnetic field. In this thesis they are defined as structures with a magnetic field strength 2.5 times greater than the background magnetic field during a short time duration. An algorithm for locating these structures in data from the European Cluster satellites, was written. The structure of the algorithm was to first locate the solar wind, compute the background magnetic field and then compute the fraction of the magnetic field at each data point with the background magnetic field and sort each time period with a fraction above 2.5 as potential SLAMS. Data from December to May for 2002 to 2008 was analysed since the satellites were located in the solar wind during these time periods. From statistical analysis of the position and properties of the identified SLAMS, it was clear that more SLAMS was found close to the bow shock.

Page responsible:Web editors at EECS
Belongs to: Space and Plasma Physics
Last changed: Jun 30, 2020