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The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: Overview and latest result

Time: Thu 2022-05-05 13.15

Location: Gustaf Dahlander

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Participating: Juan Alday, The Open University, UK

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The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has been scanning the atmosphere of Mars for four years, providing unprecedented measurements of its composition and vertical structure. One of the primary objectives of the mission is to study the water cycle, linking the measurements in the lower and upper atmospheres to better understand the escape of water to space. Recently, measurements from the TGO allowed the first detection of HCl, providing key information about a new type of chemical cycle on Mars. Finally, the non-detection of methane by the TGO and its detection near the surface requires unknown physical and chemical processes to solve the mystery of methane on Mars. In this seminar, we provide an overview of the ExoMars mission and report some of the latest results from the orbiter.  

Page responsible:Tomas Karlsson
Belongs to: Space and Plasma Physics
Last changed: Apr 11, 2022