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Expiratory turn-taking cues

Tid: Fr 2018-03-09 kl 15.00

Plats: Fantum, TMH

Medverkande: Marcin Włodarczak

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In this talk, I will give an overview of our past and ongoing work on
breathing control in spontaneous conversation and respiratory
turn-taking cues. In particular, I will present the latest results of
a study of kinematic features of the exhalation which signal that the
speaker is done speaking and wants to yield the turn. The findings
indicate that the single most prominent feature is the presence of
inhalation directly following the exhalation. However, several
features of the exhalation itself are also found to significantly
distinguish between turn holds and yields, such as slower exhalation
rate and higher lung level at exhalation onset. The results complement
the existing body of evidence on respiratory turn-taking cues which
has so far involved mainly inhalatory features. I will also argue that
respiration allows discovering pause interruptions thus allowing
access to unrealised turn-taking intentions.