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NAVET Kick off

We invite you to attend the kick off for the KTH Center NAVET!

Tid: Ti 2020-01-21 kl 18.00

Plats: Multi-Purpose Hall at Open Lab, Valhallavägen 79

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- Director Roberto Bresin will present the goals and visions of NAVET, the center's activities so far and what is planned for 2020, as well as current and upcoming calls for project proposals.

The funded projects from the first call will be presented:

- Transforming the colonial archive: From a hidden colonial trove to an interactive decolonial counter-archive.
Cecilia Järdemar, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design.

- Production Novellas
Presented by Anna Holmquist, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

- Designing the sound of the future informed by the sound of the present
Presented by Erik Gandini, Stockholm University of the Arts.

- Fictitious Soundscapes: Preferences for urban sound environments of the future among hearing impaired
Presented by Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Mingle with a live musical performance by Torbjörn Gulz from the Royal College of Music.