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Teresa Rampazzi and other under-represented figures in the field of music with electronic technology

Welcome to the Creative Media Technology Seminars, a seminar series organized by the Creative Media Technology group at the division of Media Technology and Interaction Design, KTH.

Tid: Fr 2022-10-21 kl 10.30

Plats: Online

Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/64270656862

Språk: English

Medverkande: Laura Zattra

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"Teresa Rampazzi and other under-represented figures in the field of music with electronic technology"


I have used archives for 20 years constructing histories of authors, works, centres and collaborations, and incorporating philology, oral history, ethnography with an emphasis on Sound Technology and Society Studies. During this long period, I happened to study names (and their related archives, or non-archives) that strangely did not appear in electroacoustic music history handbooks, despite the clear impact they had on techniques and technological developments, on countless people, on the creation of centers, festivals, pedagogical activities, or on the process of works, instruments, pieces, installations. Today I will focus on the figure of Teresa Rampazzi, pioneer of electronic music in Italy (analogue and computer music), and I will briefly introduce the figure of music assistants / computer music designers.


Laura Zattra (1973) teaches the History of Electroacoustic Music and the History of Sound Design in Cinema in Bachelor and Master Programmes in Italy. Research Fellow at IRCAM (Paris). Co-editor-in-chief of Musica/Tecnologia, member of the editorial board of ‘Projet Analyses’ (Ircam) and founder and curator of teresarampazzi.it. She was Invited Lecturer for the Master of Arts Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Universität der Künste in Berlin (2018) and the Estonian Academy of Music in Tallin (2021 and 2022). Author of Inventare gli arnesi della propria espressione (2021), La notazione della musica elettronica (2019), Live-Electronic Music (2018), Studiare la Computer Music (2011) and Presenza storica di Luigi Nono (2011) among others. She holds PhDs in Music Sciences (Trento University) and Music and musicology of the twentieth century (Sorbonne Paris IV).
