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User-Based Predictive Caching of Streaming Media

Tid: To 2018-06-21 kl 09.00 - 10.00

Plats: Seminar room (Rumsnr: A:641), Malvinas väg 10 (fd Osquldas väg), Q-huset, våningsplan 6, KTH Campus

Respondent: Carl-Johan Larsson

Opponent: Othmane Mazhar

Handledare: Othmane Mazhar

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Abstract: Streaming media is a growing market all over the world and sets a strict requirement on mobile connectivity. The foundation for a good user experience when supplying a streaming media service on a mobile device is to ensure that the user can access the requested content. Due to the varying availability of mobile connectivity measures has to be taken to remove as much dependency as possible on the quality of the connection. This thesis investigates the use of a Long Short-Term Memory machine learning model for predicting a future geographical location for a mobile device. The predicted location in combination with information about cellular connectivity in the geographical area is used to schedule prefetching of music content in order to improve user experience and to reduce mobile data usage. The Long Short-Term Memory model suggested in this thesis achieves an accuracy of 85.15% averaged over 20000 routes and the predictive caching managed to retain user experience while decreasing the amount of data consumed.

Examiner: Cristian Rojas