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Searching for patents

Searching in patent databases can be challenging. Maybe you have an idea that you want to patent, or maybe you are just interested in exploring patents in your field.

Time: Fri 2023-12-01 10.15 - 12.00

Location: Zoom - no registration

Language: English

Participating: Thorunn Grenmark, Maria Unger and Miritt Zisser, KTH Innovation and KTH Biblioteket

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We would like to invite you to a workshop where Thorunn Grenmark from KTH Innovation will describe how you should prepare when you want to apply for a patent, and what parts a patent consists of. Then Maria and Miritt from the KTH Library will give you a quick overview of searching in patent databases. There will be exercises where you will have the opportunity to explore the databases hands on.

This workshop is mainly for doctoral students and researchers and will be held in English.

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